Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Shadows of Imperfection

          Our imperfections cast a shadow from the light of perfection.  We can choose to look at the shadow, identify with it and even become it.  Very much like what happens in the Allegory of Plato's Cave.  Although the problem with this is that the shadow is nothing.  So by focusing on the shadow we are focusing on nothing.  Any imperfections we have seem very real to us if we focus on them.  Such as pride, bitterness, hate, jealousy and so on.  These things have been referred to as the 'sins of the flesh' or could be seen as sins of focusing on the shadows cast in a temporal world. The trick is to turn around and focus on the light of perfection itself and all shadows now seem pointless and they lose power.
            Only when we go back to the shadow, after knowing how things really are, can we become in danger of actually becoming the shadow itself and ultimately becoming nothing.  This I believe would take great effort considering how strong, abundant and real the light of perfection is.  Now facing the light one still has imperfections that cast shadows behind them but they are of no concern now.
          This also relates to ones identity. If I identify myself as my gender, nation, career, body, race, appearance, accomplishments and so on, then I will suffer once any of these temporal things fade.  I must focus on my true identity in the the light cast from perfection.  It is interesting that when one asks who God is the only reply is, "I Am, that I Am."  No other tangent of identification is given, it is simply, "I Am."  Once I realize that I am only what I am cast by the light of God then I have no attachment or value placed in any other identity. My entire world could fall apart yet I would remain free, as long as I see It all as temporal wisps of shadows.  Truly the only thing worth focusing on is eternal reality.  It is quite exciting to face this challenge. It feels like an adventure that is not draining but rather lively.  Thank You.

1 comment:

  1. "If I identify myself as my gender, nation, career, body, race, appearance, accomplishments and so on, then I will suffer once any of these temporal things fade."

    And what if someone felt that they ARE the imperfections, the shadows? "I am the anger, the depression, the cynicism, these are the things that make me, Me" how much more afraid of the light would they be then? if the shadows that would be made fake and unimportant are "them".

    It makes me think of the "power of now" book Michelle was listening to part of a while ago.
